Thursday, October 27, 2011

First Post! (wootwoot)

One small click for man, one large post for mankind.

Filipino Club has been great! It will also be increasing in greatness soon. :)
Once we transition from an upstart club to a full-fledged, fundraising one...we'll have the impact and presence onto our school that we desire.  As a new club, we must stay devoted and dedicated.  Though those two adjectives are extremely similar, they deserve different approaches.  To be devoted, we must strive to support the flourishing of our club.  To be dedicated, we must actually take the time and effort to sustain this growth and excellence of our group of members.  Soon, we must acknowledge our presence as a culture-focused club and identify the members of our community that can assist us in our plan for expansion.

This would not be possible without your genuine contributions and participation, fellow member.
Like said above, the growth of our club cannot be stunted by mere dissatisfaction or premature complacency.

Please continue to arrive at our meetings, and thank you for taking the time to read through this initial post!